The Power of Storytelling
My name is Evan Johnson, and I started Ellida Productions, the "parent" of ellidaPHOTO, almost 30 years ago.
“Ellida” is a family name on my mother’s side, most recently belonging to my grandmother. I see the name almost everyday, but it’s never lost its ability to connect me to the qualities in her that were an inspiration all those years ago. She drew others in with what I would describe as real warmth—she listened, cared, and smiled a lot. The company has evolved and expanded over the years, but there's never been a question that the name we picked is the right one.
We love the power and intimacy of a great photograph, but Ellida Productions also uses audio and video to tell our clients’ stories – and we enjoy helping people find the right choices for bringing each story to life. Learn more at ellida.com and SoundsCharming.com.
I hope you’ll ask me a question, or tell me a story.